Sunday, June 21, 2009

This is still a dream, right? No town could possibly sound so perfect... JET Update 9

A welcome letter from my supervisor:

Dear --,

Welcome to Kuroshio Town. Everyone is looking forward to you coming from the bottom of their hearts. My name is --, and I will be your supervisor. I am looking forward to meeting you and working together. I think you will find the children in Kuroshio very energetic and enthusiastic, although, of course, there will be a few unenthusiastic children too. The children are really cute and can’t wait for you to come. In kuroshio Town there is lots of beautiful nature: pine forests, mountains, oceans and beaches. I think you will find the people in Kuroshio very warm, but sometimes a little shy. In Kuroshio we have lots of events and activities, which we would love for you to join (if you want to). I hope you will make many friends and come to experience Kuroshio life. We will be doing our best to make your transition from Canada to Kuroshio go as smoothly as possible...


1 comment:

  1. You'll definitely have to let us know if the town is as good as their are making it out to be!!!!!!!! OHMYGOSH!! hahaha remember when you were worried you wouldn't get in the program??!!!!
